A Note to The Father’s House Family About Future Gatherings

May 27th, 2020


I hope and pray you are well and prospering in these unique times. My family and I are healthy, content, and blessed. I’d like to briefly address the subject of future gatherings and services.


Psalms 37:3 says,
Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
This verse has been sweet encouragement and instruction for my family and pastoral ministry. In difficult times, I remind myself that the Lord will keep everything I commit to Him in faith. I have been quietly abiding in His goodness, and yes, He is good! I pray you are doing the same.


The servant-leaders of The Father’s House are staying abreast of all the available information pertaining to the COVID-19 virus, and we are waiting until it is clearly safe before we gather for regular services and activities. Our priority is your health and well being, and that is reflective of our love for you and the pastoral anointing God has given us.


Please stay current with our church family through the twice-weekly virtual worship services, our website, and Facebook page. Continue to stay in touch with each other, praying and strengthening one another in Christ. I encourage you to refrain from gathering, and if you do, please practice social-distancing and wear masks. Nearly all respected health care experts, state, and local officials across the world have encouraged us to do so, and I am asking you to do the same. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. And remember, Paul says in Philippians 2:3, Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.


Let me encourage you to be faithful and wise in your conduct. Though some take this season as an opportunity to voice their frustrations, I ask that you speak and act prudently, rejecting divisiveness and unhelpful behavior. This time will pass in due course. In the meantime, my counsel is stay safe, be still, and wait on the Lord.


Finally, Ecclesiastes 3:1 and 5b teach us everything has a time; To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven . . . a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;


Love and perfect peace,
Pastors Eric and Suzanne Green



Hello loved ones—


Blessings to you in this season of ‘newness’, new unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before. The changes that we are all experiencing bring a measure of discomfort and concern but let us remember the greatness of the God we serve. With every report or update we must return to the Word of God and be reminded of how He’s able to keep His own, even through turbulent times.  Please don’t allow the news reports to cause you to forget how good He is nor what He’s already done on your behalf. He has a track record of faithfulness in your life.


Monday, March 16, 2020, Oregon Governor Kate Brown enacted the executive order to cancel all gatherings and events of more than 25 people in the state due to COVID-19. The executive order started, Tuesday March 17, 2020 and will be in effect for at least four weeks. This executive order now effects every church in Oregon. The Federal Government has implemented a new guideline to avoid social gatherings involving groups of 10 or more. Both of these proactive social distancing restrictions seek to limit the spread of the virus and we will absolutely adhere to these directives.  Again, this season of newness is unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before.


Affected, of course, will be our Easter Celebrations.  We are continuing to work diligently in the area of Digital Ministry which means getting the gospel into your homes in a way that’s beneficial for all. It is our intent to provide services according to our normal gathering times on Wednesdays and Sundays.  We are also exploring avenues for getting Children’s Ministry resources to you.  Updates will be forthcoming.

In the meantime, please remember –


  • Pray.  The instruction given in 2 Chronicles 7:14 come to mind.  The Lord will hear our humble prayer. There’s so much to pray about as this is a world-wide event.  Start with your household and then branch out in prayer, covering those near and far.

               2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)   14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.


o  Please continue to make the Pastors aware of any prayer requests that you may have.  Pastor Eric will also be forwarding prayer requests to the Men Who Pray team.


  • Stay in Touch. 

o   The main office contact number is 541-650-2325.

o   For those who are connected to our seniors, together let’s keep an eye out for them.  Many of them do not have social media connections and can easier begin to feel isolated.  A quick phone call will say volumes.  Our seniors have been coming into the sanctuary on Tuesday mornings for the past year covering the house and families in prayer.  Now let’s cover them in this season.

o   We’ll continue make regular updates to our –

o   Lastly, let’s continue to text, call, e-mail to stay in touch.


  • Keep the Sabbath. 

o   Be diligent to maintain some ‘set apart’ time with the Lord.


  • Stay in the Word – daily.

o   Shakings always rivet our attention to the Lord.  It’s His voice that will guide and direct us through the season.

o   Please utilize Pastor Eric’s ‘My Daily Dose of Courage’ devotional.  Links are posted on our TFH Facebook page.  You can also add it to your phone by bookmarking the site.


  • As the Lord provides, please faithfully continue with your tithes and offerings.

o   Online giving is available through our TFH website. A set-up instruction sheet is below.  We are exploring other avenues of giving and will send out additional information when those avenues have been established.

o   Tithes and offerings can also be mailed to the office or dropped off at the office anytime by putting envelopes in the main office mail slot.  The church address is : 1171 Fairfield Avenue – Eugene, OR  97402.


Please feel free to contact us with questions, prayer requests, etc.  We will be actively posting words of encouragement and updates as we pull through this season together.  Our email addresses are: and  The main office e-mail address is:


May the Lord continue to bless and keep you!


Pastors Eric and Suzanne Green



How to Give Using Online Giving

  1. Open your web browser and enter
  2. If there is a notification banner at the top, click the x to reveal the menu.
  3. At the top you will see our menu options. Click on “Online Giving”
  4. Create an account and enter the information that is asked. Or if you already have an account log in.
  5. Once you are signed in, chose where you would like to give, and enter the amount you would like to give.
  6. If you do not have a card on file click the “Use a new card” circle
  7. Enter in your card information.
  8. Click the “Continue” button
  9. Review and Confirm your Contribution Details
  10. Click “Process Payment”
  11. Up at the top it will say “Your payment was successfully processed. Thank you for your contribution.
  12. You should receive an email shortly as a confirmation.
  13. If you are finished click “Sign Out”