Outreach Ministry
It is our vision to follow Jesus’ mission as described in Luke 19:10 “The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” We believe God is not willing that any of His people should perish. The Bible teaches in Acts 1;8 that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be witnesses of God’s love to our neighbors, our city, our state, our nation and the end of the earth It is our desire to not just lead people to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, but to make disciples who are connected to the Body of Christ, being built up in their faith and knowledge of God and walking in the fullness of Christ Jesus.
Mission Statement
In obedience to the Great Commission given to the Church to “go and make disciples” we organize, participate in and support outreach ministry locally and internationally. We model our evangelistic approach after Jesus’ Ministry as written in Luke 4:18-19 “The spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Therefore we seek to promote and support ministry, which meets spiritual and physical needs, and that is closely connected to the local church, thus yielding fruit that remains. We teach that being a witness of Christ’s love to the world is most fruitfully done as we let our light shine before men, walking in His righteousness in our daily lives, work and family.
International Mission Outreach
– Update Pending
Community Outreach
– Bag Lunches for Community Court
The Father’s House partners with Eugene Police Department’s Community Court Program in providing bag lunches that are given to some of our community’s most under serviced population. This program works to connect certain individuals who have committed non-violent crimes with needed services to manage issues such as addiction and homelessness.
We desire to share the love of Jesus to those whom we live and worship near. Some of the ways we do this has been through providing worship song services to our aging neighbors at a close by retirement community, as well as with our annual Christmas Caroling Outreach. Every October we enjoy hosting our Harvest Celebration that is a free, family event open to the community. We also have our annual Spring Rummage Sale, which gives us a wonderful opportunity to meet people in our neighborhood and offer very low cost goods to those in need.