
The Father’s House Women’s Ministry is designed to bring women together in a healthy, safe atmosphere of loving and learning. Psychologist James Dobson attributed the rise in the Christian community’s divorce rate not to a break down in male-to-female relationships, but to a break down in female-to-female relationships. We believe that women need one another and at The Father’s House we’re devoted to providing our women opportunities for growth and fellowship.

Our Mission

It is our mission to see the fulfillment of Titus 2:3, women serving one another as “teachers of good things”.
We gather monthly, celebrating a variety of themes that range from our annual Christmas Brunch, to our Wise Women’s Tea, where we set apart time to honor those women among us who are age 55 and older. We regularly gather to study the Word, utilizing biblical truths to enhance and process our relationship with the Lord and with others. We also hold retreats twice a year which are special opportunities to focus on our Christian walk. We like to say that every time we gather, each woman is afforded an opportunity to either “serve, be served, or grow”.

Recommended Materials

God Calling – A Daily Devotional by A. J. Russell
Power of a Praying Woman by Stormie Omartian
Beth Moore – Living Proof