Our Staff

My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you . . . (Galatians 4;19)

While there is much experience, numerous degrees, accomplishments, and awards to ascribe to The Father’s House staff, it matters most to me that we be found faithful servants of the Most High God, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all who will hear, and caring for that which the Lord loves most – the Local Church. We desire to see the Lord’s people give Him the love, glory, and honor He so richly deserves. Therefore, we are committed to spending our lives to see our congregation complete and perfect in Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, and faithful in all things. I trust you will find us vigorously pursuing the Lord’s vision for our flock, and confident of the Lord’s leading and equipping us for the work. It is an honor to serve the Lord on behalf of His Bride.

Love and perfect peace,

Pastor Eric